1. Using this week’s required materials, define self and identity in one sentence each.

1. Using this week’s required materials, define self and identity in one sentence each.


2. Do you have a “true self”? Throughout your answers (of a total of about 150 words), show understanding of the sociological theory of self, quoting and properly referencing the week’s required materials.


Yes or no, and why?

What is your “true self”, and where did it come from?

Was your “true self” always “just there”?

If your “true self” is only part of your entire self, what part is it?

If you have a “true self,” is it different from the roles you play every day, the different people you are in different situations, or are these just as much your self as anything else?

3. Please write, in about 150 words (more is OK too), about a relationship with another person that changed you.


It doesn’t have to be positive or negative – it just needs to be a detailed description.

Don’t include anything you’re not comfortable sharing, but take care to explain enough that the reader has a feel for what the relationship was (is) like.

Include these elements:

What was the course of the relationship?

How did it start, what was its shape over time, and how did it finish (if it did – it can still be continuing now)?

When did you realize that something about you had changed?

What was it about you that changed, and how did that change manifest?

How did the change come about, and what did the other person have to do with it?

4. In about 150 words, use Blumstein to analyze exactly how these changes happened.


It can be very tempting to just use a quote from the article/s you choose, but your paragraph needs to show that you really do understand what each article you use is about.

Quote and properly reference.

5. What is an interesting question on this topic to guide discussion in this week’s forum?

1. Using this week’s required materials, define self and identity in one sentence each.

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