Academic analysis of the composition

In Milestone Three, you will submit your academic analysis of the composition. Your review of scholarly resources will identify the composer, the musical work, and the time period, providing an academic view of the composition. Describe the elements you hear that place the work in its time period.


Specifically the following critical elements must be addressed:


Academic Analysis

Identify the elements that place the work in its particular time period.

Research background information on the composer and chosen work. Why was this piece composed? Was the work meant to tell a story? If so, this is called “program music.” What story was it meant to musically interpret? Some program music was composed for ballet, opera, or theater. Was your chosen piece originally used for this? If it is not program music, it is absolute music: music written not to represent any idea, but because the composer liked those particular musical elements together. However, it may have been composed for a special event, such as a coronation, wedding, party or church service; find its original use.

What to Submit

Milestone Three should follow these formatting guidelines: Use of at least three additional sources besides Connect, at least 2 pages using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA style.

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