BC The Timeless Relevance of The Lottery by Shirley Jackson Discussion


Write 2 paragraphs intro to short story “the lottery” by Shirley Jackson 

Include the following: 

Fiction: Every student must post  on the assigned readings. I am judging your responses on whether you have considered and really thought about the readings and reflected on them in an engaging way. Think about what stands out to you in the reading(s). Consider the assigned stories as you formulate your thoughts. At least 2 paragraphs per story for your response.

Consider these 3 ways to discuss each work and choose at least one:

(1) Text to World?connect what you read to something going on in the world currently or in the past

(2) Text to Text?connect what you read to another work of literature (another story, poem, music, play, movie, etc.)

(3) Text to Self?connect what you read to something within your own life or within the lives of people you know

ADDITIONALLY add something about this…

While writing, think about why this work speaks so strongly to you, though you do not need to address this question directly in your response. Consider theme. When thinking about theme, remember two questions: What is this work about? What does it say about what it’s about? In other words, what does this work specifically reveal about life, human nature, etc.?

***A theme is a universal idea, lesson, or message explored throughout a work of literature. Themes are ideas that not only apply to the specific characters and events of a book or play, but also express broader truths about human experience that readers can apply to their own lives.***

A YouTube video is available with extra info on theme: 


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