BSU The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down A Hmong Child Questions

The discussion is on the book “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A hmong child ” and answer the questions:

1. In what ways might the Hmong be characterized as a vulnerable population? Be specific and use examples.

2. Compare and contrast the Hmong and medical worldviews of Lia’s condition. Can the two views be reconciled? Why or why not? Be specific and use examples.

3. Identify three areas of cultural humility/competence and three areas of cultural incompetence expressed towards the Lee Family and the Hmong community in general by the American health care providers, social workers, CPS staff, and/or others who tried to work with the family. Be specific and use examples. Explain your response, don’t just list it. Use three separate examples for each (i.e., do not give two examples from the same character or agency). Label your two sets of responses as “Cultural humility/competence” and “Cultural incompetence and list your areas as 1, 2, 3.” Do not use the author, Anne Fadiman, as one of your examples.

4. Discuss three specific concepts or principles discussed in class that directly relate to issues, events, and/or information in the book. Label your three concepts and use examples. Do not include cultural humility/competence or cultural incompetence.

5. If you ever have an opportunity to work with a population like the Hmong in your public health career, discuss three specific things you would do differently than the health care providers at MCMC. List them as 1, 2, 3. Be specific and use examples.

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