CA Choose Your Public Problem Discussion


After discussing public problems, you decide and share which public problem you want to focus on for the duration of the Project.

The benefit of engaging in a discussion before deciding your public problem is that your peers have knowledge and lived experiences that help you frame the public problem and consider other causes and effects.

Validating your peers’ public problems moves us away from typical “my public problem is the most important” debate to thoughtfully considering what a public problem is, what causes the problem, and what are they effects of the public problem.

Estimated Time

An estimated 2 hours is needed to complete this activity.

Assignment: Post Your Public Problem

After discussing public problems, causes, and effects with your peers last week, it’s time to share your public problem, causes and effects directly with the Professor.

Your submission should include the following:

  • Statement of Public Problem
  • 1st cause of public problem
  • 2nd cause of public problem
  • 1st effect of public problem
  • 2nd effect of public problem

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I change my public problem?

It is ok with me if you want to change your public problem from what you posted in the Classroom Discussion to this assignment.

Please leave a note in your submission saying you decided to change your public problem from the Classroom Discussion to this assignment.

What is the difference between this assignment and the prior Classroom Discussion?

In the Classroom Discussion, you are asked to post a public problem and list 1 cause and 1 effect. Additionally, you are asked to reply to two classmates contributing additional causes and effects to their public problem.

For this assignment, you should declare your public problem, but now you need to list 2 causes and 2 effects. The assumption is that replies for your peers, or in your own thinking of the public problem over the week, that you have an second cause and a second effect. 

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