CC Abnormal Behavior History Models and Culture Questions

Discuss the historical perspectives on abnormal behavior and how they have shaped our understanding of mental disorders.

Analyze the various theoretical models of abnormal behavior and their strengths and limitations.

How does culture influence the definition and perception of abnormal behavior? Provide examples from different cultural contexts.

Remember, these questions are worth 40 points each, so be sure to provide thorough and thoughtful responses. Cite your work appropriately according to APA format. Each post should contain at least three (citations) If you require assistance with APA formatting, click  for an example. Let me know if you have any questions. Enjoy your online class discussions!

Reflection Paper on Models of Abnormality

In a 2-page short essay, respond to the questions below. Please do not write the questions, just write your responses in a short essay format (paragraphs with an introduction). I am most interested in your understanding of the concepts, so enjoy writing, do not worry!

Read the following Scenario and then, respond to the questions:

Case of Bob: Cashier Not Feeling Well!

     Bob is a 23-year-old male who has been working at the Ace Market for the last four years. He lives with his parents, but in a separate apartment above the garage. Since high school, Bob has managed to stay friends with most of his high school buddies and spends time with them after work, when he can. He likes to ride his trail bike, play video games, and watch TV/movies. Over the past three years, he has had trouble sleeping and maintaining his concentration. In fact, he complains all the time that his work as a cashier is boring, but also challenging because he struggles to pay attention to what customers tell him.

    Yesterday, he thought about maybe going to college to try to change his career. But when he did, his heart began to race and he felt depressed and lazy. When he stopped thinking about it, he still felt “weird” for the rest of the day. That night, he fell asleep early and slept for 11 hours before having to go back to work. He felt so strange! After 11 hours, he expected to feel rested and able to concentrate, but instead, felt foggy brained and depressed. He thinks that something might be wrong with him.

Using the information from the scenario above with other course materials, respond to the questions below.

What are some of the key symptoms that Bob is experiencing that might be related to his psychological health?

Using one of the models of abnormality from Chapter 2 reading, explain how a psychologist using that model might view Bob’s symptoms.

If you were Bob’s friend, what would you suggest that he do to feel better?

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