CSC 242 NU Analyzing a Simple Programming Problem Project


From the textbook: Big C++: Late Objects, Enhanced:

Business P2.6

The following pseudocode describes how to turn a string containing a ten-digit phone number (such as “4155551212”) into a more readable string with parentheses and dashes, like this: “(415) 555-1212”.

Take the substring consisting of the first three characters and surround it with “(” and “)”. This is the area code.

Concatenate the area code, the substring consisting of the next three characters, a hyphen, and the substring consisting of the last four characters. This is the formatted number.

Translate this pseudocode into a C++ program that reads a telephone number into a string variable, computes the formatted number, and prints it.

Horstmann, C. S. (2017). Big C++: Late Objects, Enhanced eText (3rd ed.). Wiley Global Education US.

Design Specification: Verify that the program design aligns with the description of the desired interface, including prompts for input and output. Remember that the design should clearly communicate the purpose of the program, the desired behavior the user should engage in, and the results with effective labeling of the output.

Functional Specification: Verify that the program functions based on the desired capability and process as described in the program description. 


  1. After analyzing the problem and specifications described in the background above, in a Word document, create the pseudocode (language agnostic and using conventions in the text) that describes the algorithm and logic for the proposed solution to the problem scenario.Verify that the algorithm and logic are well structured (unambiguous, executable, and terminating) based on conventions described in the reading.
  2. Create a C++ project in Visual Studio and translate the algorithm and logic described in pseudocode to a working program that has been tested and compiled.
  3. Ensure that a comment header (based on the template provided under Learning Resources) is included at the top of your .cpp file and that descriptive in-line comments that follow conventions described in the reading are used throughout your code.
  4. Create a single zip file containing your Visual Studio project folder and pseudocode document. 
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