ENGL 124 YU The Tapestry of My Worldview Essay


In your essay, respond to letters a-e, as detailed below. Please do not attempt to write the essay without having read and studied ALL of the material in this module, as you will be confused; I promise. This essay “challenges” your comprehension of the units. 

In your essay, do each of the following:

A. introduce the concept of worldview and the ways in which inherited, informed, and/or in flux assumptions, beliefs, and values make up a worldview (you can be creative: use definition, analogy, a famous person, a TED Talk, a song or poem, a personal story, an imaginative scenario, etc.);

B. briefly identify and summarize the essential assumptions, beliefs, and values of your worldview (shoot for 3-5), their influences (if religion factors into your worldview, do not focus on it only, and please refrain from excessively quoting scripture; original critical thinking is required);

C. choose ONE of the major assumptions, beliefs, or values from “b” and expand on it, explaining (aka, narrating the story of) its existence, from origin until now. (For example, I might choose my belief that animals are sentient beings and should be treated as such, reflecting back to when I was a child.) Include how it is inherited, informed, and/or in flux, and the ways in which it does and/or does not manifest in actions you take in your life. (I might discuss my support of animal rights or my vegetarianism.) If acting more on this belief in the future is something you hope to do, you may speculate on that as well;

D. relating to the major belief covered in “c,” do some online research and find ONE culturally relevant perspective (this should be an argumentative article, newspaper editorial, or even a blog with which you disagree and do each of the following (for example, I might look for an article in favor of factory farming):

introduce and summarize the text (be sure to identify its claim) and include why you selected it;

explain your response to the source, including both believing and doubting points (Ramage 24);

discuss the ways in which your informed/inherited assumption/s, belief/s, and/or value/s affect your position;

articulate how this source contributes to understanding the issue, your belief, and your worldview. (TIP: 

E.     finally, reflect and evaluate yourself as a critical thinker in general and based on what you have written in  “d,” utilizing one or more of the Valuable Intellectual Traits  to help illustrate your evaluation. Were you able to be dialectical with the alternative view? 

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