English Suggestion to Include Concrete Examples Discussion

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On a separate piece of paper, what was the most useful or helpful piece of feedback you got from one of your peers? Why was it helpful or useful?


These are the feedback that I recived from my peer: 

1-This essay’s main points revolve around the pivotal role of electric vehicles (EVs) in reducing carbon emissions and their contribution to the renewable energy sector. The writer effectively connects these points to the overarching goal of addressing climate change and promoting sustainable transportation. The essay is generally clear and easy to follow, with a well-structured introduction, clear transitions, and a concise conclusion.

2-Clarity of Purpose: The essay has a clear and compelling purpose, which is to advocate for the role of electric vehicles in reducing carbon emissions and promoting renewable energy. The introduction effectively sets the stage for this purpose.

Well-Structured: The essay is well-structured with an introduction, distinct sections for discussing carbon emissions reduction and renewable energy contribution, and a conclusion. This structure makes it easy for the reader to follow the argument.

Concrete Examples: While the essay mentions that EVs are more environmentally friendly, providing specific statistics or examples of emissions reductions or air quality improvements resulting from EV adoption could make the argument more compelling and memorable. 

3- How do the economic aspects of adopting electric vehicles factor into the argument? Exploring the cost savings for consumers and the potential economic benefits of a shift toward electric vehicles could add depth to the discussion.

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