Go to the internet and find a news article posted within the last month that discusses labor union formation and activity, summarize key points, and post in the Discussions area

Step 1: Go to the internet and find a news article posted within the last month that discusses labor union formation and activity, summarize key points, and post in the Discussions area.


Note that the goal of this discussion is to read, understand, and discuss recent news using microeconomic terminology. The article should be from an online newspaper or magazine. Materials posted on educational websites, such as  The Balance ,  Khan Academy , and so on, are not considered news articles even if they were recently updated and contain material related to the discussion topic.


Step 2: In your initial response to the topic, you have to answer all questions:


· Do unions engage in ethical behavior? Explain.


· Historically, what factors precipitated the formation of unions? Explain.


· Do you expect union activity to increase or decrease globally? Explain.


Summarize key points of the article that you found in Step 2 of the discussion assignment.




This week is all about E-commerce.   Discussion: E-commerce is a natural byproduct of an Interconnected world. In order to claim their share of growth from the highly lucrative and evolving e-commerce landscape, businesses are under a lot of pressure to devise e-commerce strategies that are effective. Question #1:  Select and respond to  ONE of the following questions.  Please specify which of the questions you are answering by including the question number as the title of your response. For instance, Topic 1: Question 3


1. Describe at least  THREE marketing ideas that could improve the growth of businesses.


2. Discuss at least  THREE pros and cons of E-commerce for the consumer.


3. Discuss at least  THREE pros and cons of E-commerce for businesses.


4. What are the driving factors that have resulted in the growth of E-commerce within the last decade?


5. How has the increase in E-commerce changed the way in which products and services are marketed?


6. Do you believe that social commerce is here to stay? Will it work simultaneously with e-commerce? Justify your answer with support from this week’s readings.




Background/Facts:  During a monthly Lunch and Learn Seminar at TLG offices, all TLG business consultants are discussing various client cases.  During the discussion of Clean’s new business, the group discusses the following questions:   


1. What is the difference between the implied warranty of merchantability and the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose?


2. Analyze and explain specifically  how and why Clean could be sued for breach of implied warranty of merchantability for using EPI cleaning products to clean Clean’s clients’ commercial property. `


Tips for Formatting and Structuring Parts 1 and 2:


· Write in complete sentences in paragraph format.


· Use in-text citations citing to relevant assignment materials. 


· Label parts as appropriate.   


· Double-space; 12-point Arial or Times Roman font.


· Introductory Sentence:  Begin with an introductory sentence or very brief paragraph that states your conclusion to the questions asked.  


· Concluding Sentence:  End the discussion with a concluding sentence or a very brief paragraph that summarizes your conclusion/what you discussed.


· Support Arguments and Positions:   Please refer to the module in Content, “How to Support Arguments and Positions”. 

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