In a world marked by ever-evolving challenges, the ability to think creatively is not just a valuable asset but a necessity

In a world marked by ever-evolving challenges, the ability to think creatively is not just a valuable asset but a necessity. From macro issues like environmental crises to personal concerns such as mental health, applying creativity to solving problems can be beneficial to generate fresh and inventive perspectives. For this assignment, we have curated 10 different real-world problems that you will creatively work through:

• Workplace stress

• Environmental sustainability

• Mental health stigma

• Aging population

• Traffic congestion

• Bullying prevention

• Digital addiction

• Climate change

• Parenting challenges

• Homelessness

You do not need to explain why you have chosen your topic above, but you need to make it clear which topic you have chosen in your assignment submission.

After choosing the topic, work through the problem using Isaksen’s (2020) version of the CPS, which includes the four components of Planning Your Approach, Understanding the Challenge, Generating Ideas, and Preparing for Action.

Although these topics/problems can exist at a wide, global scale, you do not have to work at that level for this assignment. You can choose to work through it at a smaller scale (e.g., local, community or even family level).

Apply Understanding the Challenge to examine and analyse the topic/problem. Next, apply Generating Ideas, and Preparing for Action to propose, compare, and recommend solutions that address the topic/problem.

Recruit ONE person (e.g., family, friend, colleague) as a resource-group member. This person cannot be a current PSY355 student. Work through the SIX CPS stages below (e.g., through using the Lotus Blossom method at the Constructing Opportunities stage with your resourcegroup member).

Your ECA submission, in the form of File 1 (20-slides PowerPoint Presentation) and File 2 (10-page supporting documentation), should:

·        Show evidence of your work (e.g., list a selection of responses provided by you and your resource-group member), and

·        Provide the following SIX outcomes in your answer:

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