In last week’s assignment, Supporting Atypical Development Part 1, you created the first three slides of your presentation focused on an inclusive learning environment to support children


In last week’s assignment, Supporting Atypical Development Part 1, you created the first three slides of your presentation focused on an inclusive learning environment to support children who are developing atypically. This week, you will revise your three slides and expand on your presentation by adding four new slides. You will then record yourself presenting all seven slides you have created so far. Don’t worry, you’ve got this!

To prepare for your assignment, 

  • Read Chapter 4: Normal and Exceptional Development.
  • Watch .
  • Review the feedback your instructor provided from your Week 1 assignment. 
  • Review the tutorial.
  • Locate and open the template you began last week. 

There are two steps to your assignment. 

Step 1: Create a seven-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following: 

  • Revise your three slides from Week 1 based on feedback from your instructor.
  • Explain the use of people-first language and why it is important to focus on a child’s abilities rather than their limitations (one slide).
  • Define typical development and atypical development (one slide).
  • Compare and contrast the concepts of developmental sequences and developmental milestones (one slide).
  • Discuss biological and environmental factors that can put infants and young children at developmental risk (one slide).
  • Expand on the main ideas for each topic in the slide notes.

Step 2: Use ScreenPal to record yourself presenting your presentation. Make sure to place the link to your ScreenPal recording on the title slide of your presentation.

The Supporting Atypical Development Part 2 presentation

  • Must be seven slides in length and formatted according to the Supporting Atypical Development
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the resource for additional guidance.
  • Must use at least two scholarly sources in addition to the course text. These scholarly resources should be different than the sources used last week.
    • The table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.
    • To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view the tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.
  • Must follow as outlined in the Writing Center.
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