ISSC 266 APUS MD5 and SHA 1 Insecure Hash Functions Discussion Reply

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Hello class,

MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5) was a widely used cryptographic hash function that generated 128-bit hash values from the input of a message of any size. MD5 is no longer considered secure though due to vulnerabilities that allow for collision attacks, which is when different inputs produce the same hash value therefore compromising the data security.

SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is a cryptographic hash function that generates a 160-bit hash value. Like other hashing functions it is designed to produce a unique hash value for each input, which would make it useful for data integrity and digital signatures. SHA-1 has been found to be vulnerable as well to things such as collision attacks. Therefore, SHA-1 isn’t considered secure for cryptographic functions and purposes. 

Typically, yes, more bits can equal more security when it comes to cryptographic algorithms. The length of the hash value impacts the amount of resistance the algorithm has to things like collision attacks. Longer hash values also equals more combinations possible when performing the cryptographic function. With computing power increasing, longer hash values are becoming necessary to maintain a high level of security.



Introduction to Hashing – Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials. (2022, July 4). GeeksforGeeks. 

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