OVERVIEW Completing this Marketing Plan: Preliminary Research Assignment will provide an idea of what type of current literature exists on various potential marketing plan topics


Completing this Marketing Plan: Preliminary Research Assignment will provide an idea of
what type of current literature exists on various potential marketing plan topics. Once you have
identified 7 articles, you will then create and submit a reference list of your sources using APA

Locate 7 articles related to possible marketing plan topics. This module is designed to help you
narrow down possible topics. Your Marketing Plan: Final Assignment will require a total of
10 references properly cited within the text. Your topic should be geared toward the
implementation of a new sport related product or service (e.g. a new piece of sports equipment,
new sport related computer equipment or software, a new sports-themed retail location, etc.).
All assertions should be clearly supported with at least 1 formal citation of an external source.
There should be a complete and concise discussion of the issue.
Please include an appendix in this assignment. See the resource Appendix Instructions for more
information on creating an appendix.
View the Marketing Plan Resources under the Marketing Plan: Preliminary Research page.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

    OVERVIEW Completing this Marketing Plan: Preliminary Research Assignment will provide an idea of what type of current literature exists on various potential marketing plan topics

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