Step 1. What is meant by a cause in environmental epidemiology?

Step 1. What is meant by a cause in environmental epidemiology?   Step 2. Apply Bradford Hill’s criteria of causality to an example of an association between a specific environmental exposure (such as UV radiation from the sun, cigarette smoke, radon, and air pollution) and health outcome (such as respiratory diseases, heart disease, and some … Read more

Starting Web Application Files Download and extract the following web application files to your computer before you begin Practice 1-1. (Note: The web application below was created in .NET 6.0)

Starting Web Application Files Download and extract the following web application files to your computer before you begin Practice 1-1. (Note: The web application below was created in .NET 6.0)   Written Instructions In this exercise you will Open and run an ASP.NET Core MVC app in Visual Studio and identify MVC pattern and components. … Read more

Solve each question as instructed.

Solve each question as instructed.   Common mistakes that cost points:   All problems:   no PDF file not following requirements 100%, e.g. changing function names or arguments Problem 1:   using the wrong formula for he roots wrong number of points for the plot no screenshot in the PDF file Problem 2:   using … Read more

Social Movements are only as important as the person leading them.

Social Movements are only as important as the person leading them. The person(s) leading a social movement must have charisma and be able to captivate an audience. Political scientists and historians are taught to analyze body language, especially during debates and speeches.   For this assignment, you will watch Dr Martin Luther King’s I Have … Read more

So this is a project I have been working on.

So this is a project I have been working on. I need you to do Project 4 for me. Since Project 4 is based on Project 2 and Project 3, it is very important to read all the exercise sheets first to understand. I did Project 2 but did not do Project 3. It is … Read more

Small group reading instruction allows teachers to differentiate learning based on the students’ needs and interests and allows for flexibility.

Small group reading instruction allows teachers to differentiate learning based on the students’ needs and interests and allows for flexibility. There are a variety of methods for grouping students and potential benefits in each type of grouping. Student progress must be monitored during small group instruction to determine proper grouping, check for mastery, and assess … Read more

Skill Building Resources Review and use the information provided in the Skill-Building and Practice section located after the

Skill Building Resources   Review and use the information provided in the Skill-Building and Practice section located after the Getting Started Module. Here is a sample presentation: (Sample Attached Below Titled: Sample) Assignment   Here is a downloadable document of the assignment information: (Sample Attached Below Titled: Module 3 Workflow) Scenario: (My Program is MSN … Read more

Signature Assignment: Create a Toolkit for a Qualitative Research Study

Signature Assignment: Create a Toolkit for a Qualitative Research Study Hide Folder Information Turnitin™ Turnitin™ enabledThis assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™. Instructions   Background Up to this point, you have learned about different aspects of qualitative research methodology and designs, and you have received substantive feedback from your instructor, as well as suggestions for … Read more

Setup: You are advising the company board about ethical considerations of ad technologies in its marketing campaigns.

Setup: You are advising the company board about ethical considerations of ad technologies in its marketing campaigns.   Company: A company or industry of your choice or a business related to your Capstone project.   If you choose a media company or publisher, you can discuss their own monetization, ad technologies, & ethical choices. company … Read more