PU The Ups and Downs of Reciprocity Discussion Replies

Topic 1: ups and downs of reciprocity


Please include an audience/recipient greeting and closing for your posts.

Dont just summarize what others think to the reply

? Provide a recipient/audience greeting and personal sign-off in the courteous and

professional manner

in response to your peers, respectfully indicate an agreement or disagreement with your classmates’ assessment of whether a leader can gain value by utilizing reciprocity and whether a leader can use reciprocity as a tool of manipulation. Make sure you outline why you agree/disagree.




he two real life examples that come to mind when I think of recipriocity is: at my workplace, two other ladies and myself drink coffee, one lady brings the coffee, the other lady brings the cups, while they expect me to bring the creamer and sugar so the drink can be sweet and creamy. They expect me to bring the items that I bring because it goes with a drink that we all drink, so why not participate? The other example is when I provided numerous rides to a friend of mine while their car was down, when the tides changed and my car had trouble, I expected the same grace to be extended to me.

A leader can gain value by utitilizing recipriocity with their followers by realizing that it is a key factor in developing relationships and a sense of certainty with those that follow them. “Indeed, it may well be a developed system of indebtedness flowing from the rule of reciprocation is a unique property of human culture” (Cialdini 2021). In my humble opinion, I believe that it is imperative to have this quality when being in leadership, for it is a part of simply being a human being. Yes, I do believe that an unscrupulous leader can use recipriocity to manipulate its followers. Leaders already have power to manipulate situations and scenes due to being in charge. An unscrupulous leader can promote dishonest and dirty behavior, which in turn promotes an unhealthy environment. An unhealthy head, makes the rest of the body be just as unhealthy.




  • Example 1:
  • A coworker provided me with some critical data that helped me with inmate releases. To show my appreciation, I bought him a cup of coffee.
  • Example 2:
  • A warden promised me a promotion to captain if I helped him with a unit investigation. I agreed and did the work, but the warden did not follow through on his promise, which I felt was an example of expecting reciprocation without delivering on his end.

The phenomenon of reciprocity can help a leader gain followers’ trust and loyalty. Leaders who help their followers are more likely to have their followers reciprocate by being cooperative, productive, and supportive.

In order to manipulate followers, an unscrupulous leader can offer something of value and then demand something in return that is not adequate. In exchange for work that is not required of the follower’s job duties, a leader may offer the follower a raise or a promotion. Leaders who exploit their followers’ trust can erode their loyalty and motivate them to follow. Therefore, it is essential for a leader to be transparent and fair in their use of reciprocity. 


Topic 2: different platforms


  • In response to your peers, expand on two of your colleagues’ postings. When answering your peers, make sure, your response is substantial and don’t be hesitate to have a different opinion. The topic we are discussing provides for multiple possible outcomes.



Based on my research, I believe Linux is a better platform than Windows and Mac because of its independence, security, flexibility, and performance. It is free and open source, allowing anybody to make improvements to its development and creating a big developer community. “Individuals and organizations can use the open-source Linux code to create their own distribution (flavor) of Linux.” (Stair & Reynolds, 2017 PP. 77).

Linux is more secure than Windows since it has fewer vulnerabilities and malware threats, as well as built-in firewalls and antivirus software. It also provides additional customization choices, with hundreds of distributions, desktop settings, themes, and programs to pick from. “Three of the most widely used distributions come from software companies Red Hat, SUSE, and Canonical.” (Stair & Reynolds, 2017 PP. 78).

It is also more efficient, requiring fewer system resources and operating at a faster speed on older hardware. However, Linux has less hardware and software compatibility and a higher learning curve for newcomers. Despite these drawbacks, I choose Linux for its freedom, security, flexibility, and performance above its compatibility and ease of use. Plus, the Penguin is adorable. “Linux is a popular choice for embedded systems because it is free and highly configurable. It has been used in many embedded systems, including e-book readers, ATMs, smartphones, networking devices, and media players.” (Stair & Reynolds, 2017 PP. 81).


I use Microsoft products both at work and on all the computers I have at home. It’s been my primary operating system for years due to its widespread use and compatibility with various applications and software. However, recently, I added two Chromebooks to my tech arsenal, and I must say, exploring the Chrome OS has been a fun learning experience. It’s more lightweight and streamlined, and the integration with Google services is excellent. This newfound interest in alternative operating systems has also piqued my curiosity about Linux Distributions (Distros). I believe that diving into Linux could significantly enhance my technical knowledge and skills.

When it comes to the three major platforms in the market – Windows, Mac, and Linux – I have to say I lean towards Linux as my favorite. While all three have their strengths, Linux offers a level of customization and control that truly stands out. With Linux, you can tailor your system to your exact preferences and needs, which is a significant advantage in terms of flexibility. Linux also boasts a robust open-source community that continually develops and supports a vast array of software and applications. On the flip side, Windows and Mac have their merits, including user-friendly interfaces and broader commercial software support. However, the freedom and versatility that Linux provides, along with its focus on security, make it a superior choice in my view. The only downside I’ve encountered with Linux is that it can require a steeper learning curve, but the wealth of online resources and communities available make it a worthwhile journey for those interested in delving deeper into the world of operating systems. 

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