Pushing the E-Envelope I discovered that my supervisor routinely reads employee email. Legal issues aside, is this ethical? I can understand doing so if a crime is suspected, but not as a

Tasks for this week include:

  1. Read the following:

Required Textbook: Cooper, T.L. (2012). The responsible administrator: An approach to ethics for the administrative role. (6th Ed.). San Francisco, CA.: Wiley Publishers. ISBN-10:0-470-87394-9; ISBN-13: 978-0-470-87394-6.

  • The fourth chapter of our course textbook entitled, “Administrative responsibility: The key to administrative ethics” pages 71-92. 
  • The fifth chapter of our course textbook entitled, “Conflicts of responsibility: The ethical dilemma.”
  1. Listen to the lecture, “Theory and Why It Matters.”
  2. Listen to the lecture, “A Few Ethical Theories.”

This week, I’d like us to discuss various perspectives on these less-than-earth-shattering ethical dilemmas. 



Q1   Pushing the E-Envelope

I discovered that my supervisor routinely reads employee email. Legal issues aside, is this ethical? I can understand doing so if a crime is suspected, but not as a matter of routine. It feels like a violation of my privacy. What do you think?

Q2   Fair or Foul?

My dad takes me to a lot of baseball games and always buys the cheapest tickets in the park. When the game starts, he moved to better, unoccupied seats, dragging me along. It embarrasses me. Is it O.K. for us to sit in seats we didn’t pay for?

Q3   Popcorn or Popscorn?

I frequently carry a can of soda or a package of snacks into the movie theater. Does the theater have the right to insist on “No Outside Food”? Is it ethical for me to do this?

Q4   Home Not So Sweet Home

My husband and I will soon put our house on the market. It is a beautiful house in a great neighborhood, but the builder cut some corners on the construction…. Should I tell all? My spouse says to let the buyer’s engineer determine what needs to be done, but I’m afraid he’ll miss some important things. What do you think?

and then,


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