Reflection?Electronic Engineering Technologies Start with a general sentence or two acknowledging the importance of skills (writing; research; source documentation; public speak

 Reflection Electronic Engineering Technologies

Start with a general sentence or two acknowledging the importance of skills (writing; research; source documentation; public speaking; interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating information; solving problems; making decisions; presenting data and information in creative ways that appeal to an audience; etc.) developed through Arts and Sciences classes. Add a sentence or two about your own field and the role these skills play. End your introduction with a thesis statement that lets your audience know which assignments you have chosen for your E-portfolio and what those assignments show about you. 

Write one body paragraph for each of your three assignments. In each paragraph, specify when you created the assignment, explain which class required it, and identify the Arts and Sciences skills you drew upon to complete the assignment. Then discuss how those skills apply to your professional and personal life. (Your goal is at least 8-10 sentences per paragraph.)

Questions worth considering: Make things up!!!!

  • How has the knowledge you gained served as a foundation upon which to build future skills?
  • How did each of your assignments prepare you for other assignments you needed to complete later in your program?
  • What challenges did you face as you worked on each of your assignments and how did you overcome the challenges? 
  • What did you learn about yourself by completing each of your assignments?
  • What you are most proud of in each of your assignments?

 Reiterate the importance of skills developed through Arts and Sciences classes. Summarize what was most important about each of the three assignments you discuss in your body paragraphs. End your conclusion with a sentence or two analyzing how you have changed and grown as a result of completing these assignments. 

Reflection?Electronic Engineering Technologies Start with a general sentence or two acknowledging the importance of skills (writing; research; source documentation; public speak

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