REL 3308 FIU Perspective of Hinduism Point of View Discussion Reply

Reply with 150-word thoughtful responses to this. (from Hinduism perspective)

1 .  Beliefs in the holy or the divine are not included in secular humanism, which is not a faith system in the conventional sense. Secular humanism is an ethical and philosophical perspective that does not rely on superstitious or religious beliefs but rather emphasizes human values, reason, and the well-being of individuals and society. Because of this, it usually denies the existence of a transcendent or immanent divine or sacred reality and is atheistic or agnostic.

Human reason and empirical data are emphasized by secular humanism as the foundation for knowledge of the universe and moral judgment. It is not based on the belief in gods, spirits, or other supernatural beings; rather, it is based on a naturalistic worldview that supports ideals like equality, social justice, human rights, and the pursuit of knowledge and happiness. Rather, it puts faith in human agency and potential to deal with life’s problems and obstacles.

In summary, because secular humanism functions from a perspective that does not incorporate these concepts into its philosophical framework, it is unable to conceptualize the divine or the sacred. Its guiding ideas and ideals are based on human concerns and the natural world.

2. Secular humanism in itself is grounded in reason and human values; it emphasizes a naturalistic perspective, meaning that there is a rejection of anything divine. Throughout historical events, there are clear ideas on human agency and natural phenomena. While acknowledging the influence of religious beliefs in society, it discounts any supernatural interventions in historical developments. There is also a large encouragement of human effort and critical thinking in regards to human progression throughout history, rather than the sacred or divine intervention.

3. Secular Humanism has a moral code; a crucial part of understanding this philosophy is understanding its values. Secular Humanists believe that they should continually search for the truth via science while using reason/tolerance to be fair, empathetic, logical,  responsible, and benevolent. 

Secular humanists believe that humans are capable of forming moral or ethical codes without having to necessarily believe in a God. These ethical codes are innate for humans since we evolved into a social species. Humans take into consideration the consequences of their actions before acting since there’s a possibility of it having a negative impact on themselves and others. But, there’s also a positive impact as keeping these moral codes can benefit and improve interpersonal relationships. 

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