SDSU An in Depth Analysis of The Social Security Program Paper

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, please review Chapter 9: Discretionary Benefits, and Chapter 10: Legally Required Benefits. Social Security plays a large role in employee planning for retirement and their overall compensation.

For this written assignment, you are to conduct research on the current state of Social Security.

The Social Security Program paper

must be 3 to 5 full double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA

must include a separate title page with the following in title case:

title of Social Security Programs in bold font

Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

student’s name

name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)

  • course name and number
  • instructor’s name

due date

  • must utilize academic voice.

must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.

  • Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
  • must use at least 2 scholarly and/or credible sources published within the last 5 years in addition to the course text. Here is the citation of the course book:
  • course book. Martocchio, J. J. (2019).  (10th ed.). Pearson Education.
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