SOC 301 UAGC Overview of Abercrombie & Fitchs Legal Challenges Essay

In this discussion, you will consider whether accommodations should be made in the workplace for a variety of social identities by considering the case study of a popular clothing company, Abercrombie & Fitch. In recent years, Abercrombie & Fitch has been in the news due to multiple lawsuits filed by employees over discrimination in the workplace. 

First, begin by reviewing the following resources that describe several lawsuits brought against the company:

  • Religion: 
  • Disability: 
  • Age & Style: 
  • Using the resources above as evidence to back up your ideas, address the following:
  • Each corporation has its own identity, culture, and brand that it is selling. What problems occur when someone who does not fit the ideal representation of that corporation seeks employment? In other words, do you think that a corporation should be able to have a certain style or “look” that it wants to represent their brand, and therefore hire employees who adequately represent this?
  • Do you agree with the way that the courts ruled in the cases you reviewed? Why/why not?
  • Finally, watch  and discuss whether or not you feel that it is discriminatory for companies to exclude certain groups from their merchandise (i.e., not sell products to certain customers). 
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