Solution to Light Pollution Paper


This essay will require that you consider problems within your communities as well as potential solutions to those problems. Your essay should clearly and thoroughly explain the problem you have chosen. You will then argue for a proposed solution. As part of that process, you will compare your proposed solution to at least one other inferior solution and explain why yours is superior.

TOPIC: Ideally, you will be able to identify a problem related to your major or chosen career. If you’re an education major, do some research to see what problems educators are facing. If you’re an environmental science major, you should have no problem identifying problems to write about.

If you can’t find a topic related to your chosen field of study, please consider a problem that impacts you directly in some way, whether it be a problem facing fellow students at SHU, a problem in your hometown, or a problem at your workplace.

NOTE: When we talk about solutions, we are not talking about something that will completely eradicate the problem. In most cases, we are really just talking about things that can be done to help but not to completely fix.



Once you have identified the PROBLEM you’d like to work with, begin brainstorming solutions.

Solutions usually involve one or more of the following: Awareness, Education, Active Participation, Structural or Systematic Change. To be effective, assess which of these methods to employ. For example, take the issue of homelessness. How do we begin to impact those who are without homes? Do we want to try and have a short-term impact and provide money to help house the homeless?  Or do we want to have a long-term impact and work towards a change in the way the homeless are perceived or change the system that allows so many to slip into homelessness? The goal comes first, then we can begin to establish the plan. And in this case, we have to first identify a specific place. We can’t take on homelessness everywhere, but maybe we could focus on homelessness in Adrian.

Analyze the costs and the benefits. Determine if it is feasible to complete the project or activity at the present time. What are some pros and cons of implementing this project that might be working for you or against you if you implement this project or activity? What unintentional consequences might happen as a result of this project?



           Establish the issue/problem being addressed.

           Describe what, if anything, has been done in the past to address this issue.

           Clearly and quickly state what you are proposing.


           Provide a detailed outline of exactly what will need to happen to complete your project.

           WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and HOW will this proposal be implemented? This might         take several paragraphs to accomplish. Who will actually work on the project? When can it be completed? What materials will be necessary?

           Provide details regarding the COST of the project. Where would the money come           from? Be specific and realistic. Do NOT simply say, “maybe we could have a bakesale   or get people to donate.” That’s not a plan. Think about other kinds of costs and           challenges. What potential obstacles are there to successfully completing this project?             How can you convince the readers that they will not be a problem?

           Are there other possible solutions/plans that are being implemented that are not                     working? What about other potential solutions that are not as good as yours? How will       your solution be better? Depending on how much time you spend on

           this in the introduction, you may or may not need to address it in detail here.


           Make your reader CARE about this issue. Make them want to help you implement your        


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