The final project for this course is an intervention plan with recommendations for the treatment of a child or adolescent who has been affected by the legal system and now is showing signs of a mental or behavioral disorder.

The final project for this course is an intervention plan with recommendations for the treatment of a child or adolescent who has been affected by the legal system and now is showing signs of a mental or behavioral disorder. The final project requires students to fully define and implement a treatment intervention plan. You will not apply your intervention plan in this course, but it should be a plan you could apply in the future.


The finished product will apply theories and concepts taught in the course to substantiate the following criteria:


An examination of the factors that would affect specific treatment in the case (familial, environmental, etc.)

An evaluation of various treatment options, outlining their appropriateness

A recommendation of one or more intervention strategies with justification about why they selected the one(s) they did

An evaluation of potential ethical issues to consider or guard against and how their plan does so


Milestone Four: Ethical Issues

In Module Six, evaluate potential ethical issues to consider or guard against, explaining how the detailed plan has addressed the ethical issues. The format will be a 3- to 4-page paper. I have provided all the information for this assignment, but I would need you complete the ethical issues part of the assignment to be very in-depth, when it comes to this portion.

The final project for this course is an intervention plan with recommendations for the treatment of a child or adolescent who has been affected by the legal system and now is showing signs of a mental or behavioral disorder.

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