Theoretical Foundations in Scientific Research:

Theoretical Foundations in Scientific Research:


For research to have scientific merit, it must contribute to the theories in the field of interest. For you, this means the research must contribute to psychological theories. Remember that a theory is a way to organize related observations into a potential descriptive, explanatory, or predictive statement. Contributions to theory can take different forms. Most commonly, research advances theory by confirming or disconfirming it. Research can also advance theory by generating new theory and by expanding or modifying theory.


For this assignment, consider the theoretical framework for the research topic you are developing for your dissertation:


Describe a theory that provides the theoretical framework for the research study. Make sure to describe the tenets of the theory, and clearly explain the phenomenon it describes and what predictions it makes.

Describe how the theory has been used in previous research on your topic and within your specialization.

Select an article from your literature review on your topic that has used the theory and explain how the researchers used it to guide the development of the research and interpret the data. How did the research contribute to the theory? For example, did it confirm or refute the theory or how the research extended the application of the theory.

Explain how the research idea you are developing for your dissertation would contribute to the theory or theories. What limitations will your research have in terms of advancing the theory or theories?

Consider that for a research study to have scientific merit, it must contribute to theory. Discuss why.

Ensure that your assignment includes proper APA citations. Provide an APA references list at the end of the assignment.

Theoretical Foundations in Scientific Research:

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