TOPIC: High Blood Pressure Age population : EDERLY AREA: Miami, Florida DIRECTIONS: -The first page should be your introductory page.? -Second page will be your sele

TOPIC: High Blood Pressure

Age population : EDERLY

AREA: Miami, Florida


-The first page should be your introductory page. 

-Second page will be your selected condition and the PICOT question ( WITH PICOT FORMAT). Below there are examples to guide you in developing your question: 

For an intervention/therapy:

In _______(P), what is the effect of _______(I) on ______(O) compared with _______(C) within Prevention:

For ________ (P) does the use of ______ (I) reduce the future risk of ________ (O) compared with _________ (C)?


Does __________ (I) influence ________ (O) in patients who have _______ (P) over ______ (T)?

For additional information and tools about how to create you question, please visit:


1. Introduction. Describe the health problem. Don’t type “Introduction”. (1 paragraph).

Using data and statistics, support your claim that the issue you selected is a problem.

What specifically will you address in your proposed health promotion program?

Be sure your proposed outcome is realistic and measurable.

2. Describe the vulnerable population. (1-2 paragraph).

What are the risk factors that make this a vulnerable population?

Use evidence to support the risk factors you have identified.

3. Provide a review of literature from scholarly journals (at least 2, one of those two should besystematic review supporting what you wish to accomplish) of evidence-based interventions that address the problem. (2 paragraph, one for each article).

After completing a literature search related to effective interventions for your chosen health promotion activity, write a review that evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of all the sources you have found and how this evidence supports your ideas. 

4. Select and present an appropriate health promotion/disease prevention theoretical or conceptual model that best serves as the guiding framework for the proposal. (1-2 paragraph).


Three pages in length (excluding title page, references, and appendices)

Follow APA format

Cite a minimum of five research articles, including the two sources you will use as body of evidence in the literature search, NO OLDER THAN 5 YEARS

DUE DATE MAY 16, 2024


    TOPIC: High Blood Pressure Age population : EDERLY AREA: Miami, Florida DIRECTIONS: -The first page should be your introductory page.? -Second page will be your sele

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