Values vs Personality

Towards your ECA, I touched on this during our Lesson 6 but for the benefit of those who could not join us in class, please do note that values and personality traits are 2 different things. (Q1). Hence, Q1(1) and Q1(2) are 2 separate activities/ requirements.


Values are the basic principles and beliefs that we hold; they are very important to us, are usually enduring and are what we used to direct our lives and behaviours. Whereas personality traits are one’s relatively stable feelings, thoughts and behavioral patterns.


To give a simple example, one values fairness and stands up for it across every situation in life, yet may have either an introverted or extroverted personality to interact with people.


Principles you exercise stated in ECAQ1(1) should surface your personality traits. You can list your values based on your awareness or in case you need some assessment to help you further define or narrow down on your top set of values, VIA character testLinks to an external site. or Schwartz’s Theory of Basic Human Values could be your reference amidst other options.

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