As an advanced human services professional practitioner, you may be in a position to mentor and coach employees in a variety of different areas, including ethics and cultural humility. Inexperienced practitioners may need guidance on how to navigate challenging ethical dilemmas, including those that arise when there is a conflict between meeting a service user’s needs and adhering to organizational policies or procedures. Practitioners may also need guidance on how to recognize their own biases and be open to cultural differences of service users in the community.

In this Discussion, you will assume the role of a supervisor in a human services organization. In this role, you will respond to a case study about an employee who is confronted with an ethical dilemma while trying to provide culturally sensitive assistance to a servicer user. You will determine whether the employee’s behavior is ethical and whether it is reflective of cultural humility. You also will consider how you would respond as a supervisor.



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity. Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


· Review your Course Announcements for possible information related to this week’s Discussion and Assignment.

· Review the Week 6 case study. Keep the case study in mind as you review this week’s Learning Resources.

· Review the  Ethical Standards for Human Services Professionals. With the ethical standards in mind, identify ethical dilemma(s) that are present in the case study. Then, determine if the employee’s behavior is ethical and why or why not.

· Review the Learning Resources on promoting ethical competence and cultural humility in human services organizations. Think about strategies you could use, as a leader, to help the employee from the case study develop ethical competence and cultural humility. In addition, consider what policies and procedures you might implement to promote ethical competence and cultural humility throughout the organization.

· Find one article from an academically appropriate source that focuses on supervising employees in human services settings. Academically appropriate sources include research articles found in the Walden University Library, papers or articles from reputable agencies or organizations, or government publications. Use the article to support your response regarding how you would respond to the employee, as her supervisor.


Post your response to the following questions as they relate to the case study you selected:

· What are the ethical dilemmas in the case? Do you believe the employee’s behavior is ethical? Why or why not?

· What cultural considerations should the employee keep in mind when working with the service user? Do you believe the employee’s behavior is reflective of cultural humility? Why or why not?

· As the employee’s supervisor, how would you respond to help the employee develop ethical competence and cultural humility?  

Support your post with specific NOHS ethical standards and at least one article from an academically appropriate source that you found in your own search.



· National Organization for Human Services. (2015).  .

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