Directions: For the next three days, you will be asked to provide and receive consent when interacting with people.

Directions: For the next three days, you will be asked to provide and receive consent when interacting with people. For example, if someone wants to give you a hug, you must ask them to ask for consent prior to doing so. And if you want to give someone a hug, you must first ask for consent. This goes with all physical interactions.


Upon completion of the activity, please answer the following questions:


1. How did it feel doing this activity? (3-4 sentences minimum, no citations necessary)


2. Were people receptive to this activity? What were the challenges of this activity? (4 sentences minimum, no citations necessary)


3. Do you think this activity could help students understand sexual consent? Why or why not? (3-4 sentences minimum, must include 1 citation from course material/content from this class; Additional citations from outside sources are welcome but not required)


Part 2

4. During our consent modules, we touched on various sexual health issues that can impact someone’s experience while engaging in physical intimacy. This can include but is not limited to issues related to STIs, vaginal and pelvic health, and overall sexual health. Then, in Module 1 Weeks 3-4, you learned about FemTech, a new sector trying to address some of these issues with innovative tech solutions. What are your personal thoughts/opinions on FemTech? Is this an area that you think is important/interesting/problematic? Explain why. (3 sentences minimum, 1 point) **In addition to the required reading on FemTech, if you want to learn more about FemTech, I have included two additional optional readings in Module 1, Week 3 and 4 information.


5. Thinking about all of the “Consent” content in this course, share a concept/perspective stood out to you the most and describe why? This concept/perspective could have been something that surprised you, validated your own life experience(s) or something you disagreed with (4 sentences minimum, 2 points, must include either 1 citation from course material/content from this class or outside sources)


Part 3

Comment on a classmate’s post (3 sentences minimum).


Saying things like “good job” or “I agree” is not enough. Please provide a thoughtful response to some aspect of your classmate’s post.


For example: What was your reaction to their post? Was there anything they did not discuss that you think is important?




(((Discussion has 5 questions and is based on content from “Module 1: Sexual Violence and Consent.”


All questions are mandatory & questions 3 and 5 require citations (a total of 2 citations for Discussion #1). Citations should be included within your answer and a full reference included at the end of your answer (see discussion post guidelines for examples) remember to number your responses so it is clear to me which question you are answering))

Directions: For the next three days, you will be asked to provide and receive consent when interacting with people.

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