Question 1: (1) How are cases of domestic violence with sexual assault different from other sexual assault cases?

Question 1: (1) How are cases of domestic violence with sexual assault different from other sexual assault cases? (at least 300 words) (2) Answer the following question now that we’ve covered two weeks of sexual assault investigation research: How is a sexual assault investigation different than other investigations? (Your answer needs to be more than just the sensitive nature of sexual assault). (at least 300 words)




Question 2: How would you approach an interview with a sexual assault suspect who is unknown to a victim and a domestic violence sexual assault? Provide specific examples on the different approaches and why it would apply to one but not the other. (at least 350 words)




Question 3: (1) Does your social media usage ever put you at risk for being a victim? How? (at least 300 words) (2) Will you change you social media behavior after this study? Why or why not? (at least 300 words)




Question 4: Discuss offender characteristics and how they can be applied to a criminal investigation. (at least 350 words)




Question 5: A freshman student at the University (Jane Smith) goes out to a local bar off of campus after mid term exams. While there she meets a guy name Jack Johnson. Johnson is studying at the local community college. He is looking to transfer to the university where Jane Smith attends after he finishes at the community college. He is at the community college to start because he cannot afford the University tuition at this time.


While at the bar Jane becomes intoxicated and wanders away from her friends. Jack follows her and offers to take her home. She is initially hesitant but agrees. Hours later, Jane wakes up in a strange motel and is not wearing any pants. She goes to call 911 believing she has been raped but the sim card has been removed from her phone. She uses the phone in the room to call 911.


Police respond to the scene and Jane is transported to the hospital for a SANE /SAFE exam. Police process the crime scene in the hotel room and gather evidence including the bedding and a used condom.


The case eventually leads to the arrest of Johnson for sexual assault. He is indicted and convicted for the sexual assault. Smith files a civil suit against Johnson for the sexual assault and that suit is pending.


A year after the incident, Smith is walking through the courtyard of the school and she comes face to face with Johnson who has transferred to the University from the community college, like he originally planned. Smith immediately notifies the school administration that her rapist is on campus.


The university launches an investigation and learns that Johnson just started this past semester as a transfer student. He has been awarded pell grants and financial aide. The school is dragging its feet on the case afraid of denying Johnson an education. The school claims it is being very in depth in the investigation while it is taking its time. During this time Jane notices that she is getting looked at differently by people on campus and pointed at. There are also different postings showing up on social media with indirect references to her.


While the university is conducting its investigation a sexual assault occurs but the suspect is unknown. The suspect matches the description of Johnson only slightly. In this case no evidence was recovered. The victim did report that the sim card from her phone was missing and she could not use it.


Answer and Explain the following:


Identify risk factors associated with this scenario.

Identify a victimology of Jane Smith.

Identify a suspect profile and characterization of Jack Johnson.

Identify additional steps to take in the investigation.

Identify any violations that have been committed regarding Title IX, if any.

Identify the responsibility the school has at this point, if any.

There is a hidden clue in here that you should try to investigate and identify. It is right in front of you but we did not really discuss it. I know everyone of you can figure it out.

Feel free to contact me while working on this to brainstorm any questions or ideas and direction you want to go with this.

This assignment incorporates material from every section of this course.



APA formatting and citation methods – papers must contain three (3) references from the course material and three (3) additional references for outside sources. A paper that does not adhere to the APA citation methods and required references will not be eligible to receive a letter grade of an A.

Each paper should at a minimum have a well developed introduction, body and conclusion. Papers should also contain a well-developed thesis statement.

Papers should be written in third person.

Papers should be a minimum of 4 pages in length, double-spaced. Use 12 point font and Times New Roman font.

When questions are posed for a paper, failure to address the questions will be a 5-point penalty for each question that is not addressed.



Question 6: Read the two assigned journal articles and answer the two sets of journal article questions provided below. (at least 2 pages)


First Journal Article and Assigned Questions: “Examining Public Opinion about Crime and Justice”


What are some methodological issues that scholars face when measuring fear of crime, and how do the authors plan on addressing those problems?

Identify the four research questions as stated by the authors.

How is Fear of Crime operationalized?

What were the key findings and policy implications of this study?

Second Journal Article and Assigned Questions: “Contextualizing the Criminal Justice Policy-Making Process”


What is the author’s main objective?

Identify the research questions as stated by the author.

Identify the theoretical framework that was used to analyze the policy-making process.

What were the key findings and policy implications of this study?



Question 7: Read the two assigned journal articles and answer the two sets of journal article questions provided below. (at least 2 pages)


First Journal Article and Assigned Questions: “Self Protection in Rural America”


Identify the dependent and independent variables in the article.

Identify the measurement models that were used in the analysis.

Name one way in which the collective security or self-help hypothesis can be tested.

What does the collective security/self-help hypothesis predict?

What were the key findings and policy implications of this study?

Second Journal Article and Assigned Questions: “Analyzing the Origins of Life Course Persistent Offending”


Identify the four hypotheses that were formed from Moffitt’s theories.

Identify the risk factors that lead to life-course persistent offending.

How did the author measure persistent offending and low self-control?

What were the key findings and policy implications of this study?

Question 1: (1) How are cases of domestic violence with sexual assault different from other sexual assault cases?

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