Step 1: Review the feedback given to you The outline is a guide to help you plan your presentation, but it does not represent the finished product.

Step 1: Review the feedback given to you The outline is a guide to help you plan your presentation, but it does not represent the finished product. As you move forward with your on your outline and thesis statement.


planning, use grader feedback, and your own self-reflection, to adjust the assignment as needed.


When developing your informative speech, ask yourself:


What content am I sharing?

What is my message?

Step 2: Draft your speech-critically considering constitutive, contextual and cultural (3C’s) implications.


What messages am I trying to avoid?

How might people react to and/or perceive what I’m sharing? Will some disagree? Will some feel the same

Who is my audience and what are their needs?


How can I best connect with those who are listening to me speak?

Where do I imagine I’m presenting this speech?

To whom am I addressing?

When and where is my speech occurring?

Incorporate at least 2 credible sources to support your topic; be sure to cite these sources within your speech; give credit where credit


Step 3: Practice ethical communication


is due.


Develop a slideshow (e.g. PPT, Slides, Prezi, Keynote, or the like) with any visual elements to support your purpose for speaking. Be sure


Step 4: Develop a visual presentation aid


to consider the following: content, unity, consistency, emphasis, focal point, visibility, tone, scale, proportion, and usability. Be prepared to


with 7-10 slides.


use this visual while presenting your speech. Both you and the visual must be seen in the video recording of this presentation.


A speech is a presentation that requires a carefully constructed beginning, middle, and end. Be sure to offer the audience an effective


Step 5: Focus on flow


introduction, body, and conclusion, in speaking form. Use transitions to assist with the flow of your ideas.


Your speech should be persuasive; thus, in order to persuade your audience, you must get them to believe you, and to believe in your


Step 6: Make rhetorical considerations.


proposition. Will you rely on your experiences? Logical data? Will you try to pull on your audience’s emotional heartstrings? Incorporate rhetorical techniques-such as ethos, pathos and logos-to connect with your audience. (See course readings for more informatio. on this.) Be sure to utilize the following speaking techniques: storytelling, projection, enunciation, projection, pausing and pacing. While presenting, do not read your written speech: take time to practice, so that your speaking looks prepared but natural. Your recorded speech should


Step 6: Record yourself giving your 7-8 minute speech using your visual aid.


include the following:


A clear photo ID at the beginning for proof of person.


You-at least your face side-by-side with the deck/visual you have created.


3. You-using your deck/visual to enhance the speech you are presenting.


minute speech using your visual aid.


include the following:


A clear photo ID at the beginning for proof of person.

You-at least your face-side-by-side with the deck/visual you have created.

You-using your deck/visual to enhance the speech you are presenting.

Create a document that includes a copy of your written speech (you may also include the outline) along with an appropriate MLA heading

Step 7: Submit your written and recorded featuring the URL for your recorded speech. Thus, the document you submit will have the following: speech.


An appropriate MLA heading with the URL to the video-recording of your speech

A written draft of your entire speech (the one that you are presenting)



Submit a written copy (single or double-spaced) of your speech with the URL showcasing your presentation of this speech. On your written speech submission, include a heading with your name, date, title assignment, and name of course followed by the URL to your recorded speech.

Your recorded speech should be free from distracting glitches and technical issues making it hard to review.



Your recorded speech should be 7-8 minutes long. It should address all of the elements included above.

If your speech is under 7 minutes, or over 8 minutes, it will be returned to you ungraded. In this case, you will be asked to recreate and refilm the assignment, after you ensure it meets all expectations outlined in the prompt and rubric.

A drafted copy of the speech must be submitted with the URL to a video-recording of your speech. If these requirements are not met, your work will be returned ungraded.

Essential Elements Checklist: Persuasive Outline


A proposition on an ethical, timely and contextually relevant topic addressing a public controversy and advocating for a perspective that you hope your audience will adopt.


A URL to your video in the MLA-formatted heading. (Speech can be single or double-spaced)



A 7-8 minute recorded speech (audio & visual) where both you, the presenter are seen, along with your visual/deck.


A logically organized speech.



An ethically directed speech, directed towards a clear audience.


The 3-C’s have been clearly and notably considered.


2 credible sources are cited and mentioned in the speech.


A 7-10 slide-driven, visual aid fortifying the speech.


The speech is not read verbatim from the slides and/or any preparatory materials.


The speech is clear of audio & visual issues and/or technical glitches.


All helpful resources have been utilized:


Course readings

Course assignments

Grader feedback

Communicating Ethically Checklist

Using Presentation Aids: A Guide

Drafting and reciting the Best Speech: Tips and Tools

Step 1: Review the feedback given to you The outline is a guide to help you plan your presentation, but it does not represent the finished product.

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